College Scholarships

Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs continues to provide scholarships to deserving college students who are majoring in any garden-related subject in an accredited college or university. Applicants must be residents of Virginia and full-time students majoring in Horticulture, Landscape Design, Botany, Forestry, Agronomy, Environmental Science, Ecology, and/or other allied subjects. Career goals must demonstrate objectives that pertain to these majors.
Judging is based on need, scholastic record, character, initiative and general attitude. The selection of scholarship winners is determined by the Scholarship Committee of the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.
The Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs offerings are:
- The Betsy H. Edwards $2,000 Scholarship awarded to a qualified undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in an accredited college or university.
- The VFGC Scholarship awarded to a qualified undergraduate or graduate student/s enrolled college or university.
Application Information:
- The VFGC Scholarship recipients and amounts are determined by the VFGC Scholarship Committee.
- High school seniors may apply for The VFGC Scholarship if they have accrued sufficient community college hours, and, horticulture, landscape design or other garden related subjects must have been included.
- A student may re-apply for more than one year.
- Applicants are encouraged to also consider the SAR and NGC scholarship availabilities.
Download the VFGC Scholarship Application Form or contact VFGC Scholarship Chairman Jill Quinley at [email protected] for more information.
Due Date: Received by February 1
South Atlantic Region (SAR) of National Garden Clubs Scholarship
Corrie Whitlock Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is open to a college sophomore or junior for use during the junior or senior year of college. Each state within the South Atlantic Region may submit one application to be in competition for the Scholarship. A qualifying student is one who is majoring in the study of Horticulture, Floriculture, Landscape Design, Botany, Plant Pathology, Biology, Forestry, Agronomy, Environmental Concerns, City Planning, Land Management and/or allied subjects. Changing from a major study of garden club interest will result in forfeiture and/or reimbursement of the Corrie Whitlock South Atlantic Region Scholarship.
Scholarship Amount – The Corrie Whitlock Memorial Scholarship Amount is set by the SAR Board of Directors. As long as a student maintains a “B” average, he/she may reapply for a second year.
More details and guidelines are available on South Atlantic Region website or Contact VFGC Scholarship Chairman the VFGC Scholarship Chairman
Due Date: Received by February 1
Send completed application* to: VFGC Scholarship Chairman • Mail to address on VFGC Application Form.
*To qualify for South Atlantic Regional a VFGC Scholarship Application Form must also be filled out
National Garden Clubs (NGC) Scholarship
National Garden Clubs offers 35-41 scholarships of $3,500 to $4000 annually to Juniors, Seniors and Graduate students that are majoring in horticulture and related fields. Besides the required majors to qualify, the student must be pursuing a career related to gardening, landscape design, environmental issues, floral design or horticulture.(Applications may be made by Sophomores for grants to be awarded for the Junior year.) All applicants must have a 3.25 cumulative GPA (on a 4.0 point scale) in order to apply.
More details and guidelines are available on National Garden Clubs website or Contact VFGC Scholarship Chairman.
Due Date: Received by February 1
Send completed application* to: VFGC Scholarship Chairman • Mail to address on VFGC Application Form.
*To qualify for National Garden Clubs Scholarships, a VFGC Scholarship Application Form must also be filled out”