Born in New York, lived briefly in Connecticut and grew up in California, eventually making my way to Virginia in 1985. My love of flowers and designs began with my grandmother, who for years designed the altar flowers for the local Episcopal Church. I believe this instilled in me the desire to become a flower show judge.
With a BS in Hospital Administration, I worked as a nurse for almost thirty years. Currently I belong to three garden clubs, including a designer’s guild. I am, also, a Master Flower Show Judge. In Virginia, I have held various board as well as officer positions. In NGC I am on the Plant America Committee and in SAR, I was the Penny Pines Chair and the 2023 Convention Chairman.
My theme is “Every Person Makes a Difference”. There are various goals for VFGC: a new revised Web, increase social media presence, zoom educational programs, revamped Bylaws and yearbook (all to be on the VFGC Web). There will be an emphasis on community visibility.
I totally support NGC, VFGC, Districts and each and every garden club, enjoying the challenge of new projects. I really appreciate club members & visiting clubs. My other interests are garden and, on the side, I love to play bridge? My husband and I have four children and eight grandchildren.